
Having created your database and populated it with some data, you need to know how  to extract views of the data by using queries. Often, end-users will not have been involved in the creation of a database and its tables,  but it is essential to understand the database structure in order to effectively use queries to filter and/or update your data. Topics in this module include:

Overview of queries
Creating a new query
Selecting fields for use in the query
Running a query - (printing the Query results, including all fields in a Query, clearing the QBE grid)
Using criteria in a query - (wildcards, comparison operators, compound queries)
Sorting query output - (multiple keys, omitting  duplicates)
Joining tables - (restricting records in a join)
Computed fields and values
Calculating statistics
Creating a graph
Saving a query

1. What are queries?

A  database management system (DBMS) like Access offers many useful features,  such as the ability to answer questions. For example using our sample CUST database we could ask the questions:

1.1. What is the balance of customer CE76

1.2. Which customer’s names begin with Ro?

1.3. Which customers are located in Stafford?

1.4. How much available credit do the customers currently have?

1.5. Which customers with £7,000 credit limit are represented by sales representative 07?

The  answers to these questions, and many more, are found in the database, and Access can find the answers for you. When you pose a question to Access, or  any other DBMS, the question is called a query. A query is simply a question represented in a way that Access can understand.

Thus to find the answer to a question, you first create a corresponding query using in the techniques that follow. Once you have created the query, you instruct Access to run the query, i.e. perform the steps necessary to obtain the answer. When finished, Access will display the answer in a grid in a similar format to a spreadsheet.

Starting Access and Opening the CUST Database.

Before creating queries, you must first start Access. To do so, follow the same steps you used previously in the notes “Microsoft Access - Creating a Database” (see page 3). Once you have done so, you need to open the database you will  use for the queries. For the queries in these notes, this means you must open the CUST database (which holds the CUSTOMER and SLSREP tables you created previously).

2.  Creating a new Query.

2.1  You create a query by making entries in a special window called a Select Query window. Once the database is open, the first step in creating a query is to create a New Query window. To do so, click the Query button  and then the New button in the  Database window, as shown in the following steps.

2.2  When you open a database, the list of existing queries should display. At this stage, however, there are none in the CUST database.

2.3  Click the New button and the New Query dialog box should display.  For certain complex queries, Query Wizards can help you construct the query.  For most queries, however, you will choose the New Query button and  then construct the query yourself using Design View.

2.4. The Add Table dialog box should appear. The list of tables in the CUST database displays in the dialog box.  The CUSTOMER table is currently selected as, by default, Access selects the  first table using alphabetic sequence.

2.5. Add the CUSTOMER table to the query by clicking the Add button and a field list for the CUSTOMER table should display in the upper portion of the window as displayed in figure 1.

2.6. Close the Add Table dialog  box and maximise the Select Query window. Point to the line that separates the upper and lower portions of the  window. The Select Query window is maximised and the upper portion of the window contains a field for the CUSTOMER table. The lower portion contains the QBE (query by example) grid, the place  where you specify fields to be included, sort order, and the criteria that  the records you are looking for must satisfy.

Figure 1.

Select the field list box by clicking the frame and resize it by dragging down the  bottom line of the frame. Drag down until all fields in the CUSTOMER table  are visible.

2.7  Once you have created a new Select Query window, you are ready to create the actual query by making entries  in the QBE grid that appears in the lower portion of the window. You enter  the names of the fields you want included in the Field row in the grid. You  can also enter criteria, such as the fact that the customer number must be  CE76, in the Criteria row of the grid. When you do so, only the record  or records that match the criterion (Customer Number … CE76) will be included  in the answer.

3. Displaying Selected Fields in a Query.

Only the fields that appear in the QBE grid will be included in the results of  the query. Thus, to display only certain fields, place these fields in the  grid and no others. If you inadvertently place the wrong field in the grid, select the Edit menu and then choose the Delete command to remove it. Alternatively,  you could choose the Clear Grid command to clear the entire QBE grid and then start again.

Perform  the following steps to create a query to show the customer number, name, and  sales rep number for all customers by including only those fields in the QBE  grid.

3.1  Ensure that you have maximised the Select Query window containing a field list for the CUSTOMER table in the upper portion of the window and empty  QBE grid in the lower portion. Point to the Customer Number field and double-click the left mouse button to include the Customer Number field in the query. (You  can also drag the Customer Number field from the field list to the QBE; or select the field by clicking the down arrow to the right of the field: in the QBE). The customer number  should now be included as the first field in the QBE grid.

3.2  Point to the Name field and double-click the left mouse button to also include  it in the query. Finally, point to the Sales Rep. Number field and double-click the left mouse button to include it in the query. Three fields have been selected  in the QBE grid.

Point  to the Run button

4. Running a Query.

4.1  Once you have created a query, you need to run it by clicking the Run Button (!). Access will then perform the steps necessary to obtain and display the answer. The set of records that  make up the answer are called a dynaset, i.e. dynamic set of records. Although it looks like  a table stored on your disk, it really is not as it is constructed from data  in the existing CUSTOMER table. If you were to change the data in the CUSTOMER  table and then rerun this same query, the results would reflect the changes. This is the reason it is called dynamic as it changes along with changes in  the actual tables.

When the Run button is clicked, the query is executed and the results displayed. Depending on the success of your selection criteria, note that no results  may be displayed. Notice also that an extra blank row, marking the end of the table, displays at the end of the results. This will always be the case.

4.2 Printing the Results of a Query.

To print the results of a query, use the same techniques you learned earlier  to print the data in a table:

¨    Click the Print  Preview button.

¨    If the results are acceptable, click the Print button.

¨    After the report prints, click the Close Window button.

If the results of a query require landscape orientation, switch to it  before you click the Print button.

4.3. Returning to the Select Query window.

You  can examine the results of a query on your screen to see the answer to your question. You can scroll through the records, if necessary, just as you scroll  the records of any other table. In any case, once you are finished working  with the results, you can return to the Select Query window to ask another question.

To do so, click the Design View button and the    Select Query window displays once again.

4.4 Closing a Query.

To remove the Select Query window from the desktop, close it. Access then  asks if you want to save your query for future use. If you expect to need  to create the same query at a future date, then save it now. We will describe how to save queries later in the course. Perform the following steps to close  a query without saving it.

¨    Click the Close button for the Select Query window.

¨    A Microsoft Access dialog box should be displayed asking if you want to save the query. Answer No.

4.5 Including all fields in a Query.

If you want to include all fields in a query, you could select each field individually. There is a simpler way, however. By selecting the asterisk (*) that appears in the field list, you are indicating that all fields are to be included.  Simply point the asterisk  (normally the top field) and double-click with the left mouse button. The table name CUSTOMER, followed by an asterisk is added to the QBE grid indicating that all fields are selected.

Click  the Run button and all fields in  the CUSTOMER table are included in the report.

Click  the Design View button to return  to the Select Query window. The Select Query window replaces the datasheet.

4.6 Clearing the QBE Grid.

If you make mistakes as you are creating a query, you can fix them individually.  Alternatively, you may simply want to clear out the entries in the QBE grid and start again. One way to clear out the entries is to close the Select Query window and start a new query just as you did earlier. A simpler approach, however, is to choose the Clear  Grid command from the Edit menu.

5. Entering Query Criteria.

When you use queries, you usually are looking for those records that satisfy some criterion. You might want the name of the customer who’s number is CE76, for example, or the numbers, names and addresses of those customers whose names  start with Ro. To enter criteria, enter them on the Criteria row in the QBE grid underneath the field names to which the criteria applies.  For example, to enter the fact that the customer number must be CE76, enter  CE76 in the Criteria row underneath the Customer Number field. You must, of course, first add the Customer Number field to the QBE grid before you can enter a criterion.

The  next examples illustrate the types of criteria that are available.

5.1 Using text data in criteria.

To use text data in criteria, simply type the text in the criteria row below  the corresponding field name, for example CE76 in the Criteria row underneath the Customer Number field.

5.2 Using wildcards.

Two  special wildcards are available in Access. Wildcards are symbols that  represent any character or combination of characters. The first of the two  wildcards, the asterisk (*), represents any collection of characters. Thus  Ro* represents the letters Ro, followed by any collection of characters. The other wildcard symbol is the question mark (?), which represents any individual character. Thus T?m represents the letter T, followed by any single character, followed by the letter m, such as Tim or Tom.

The  next example illustrates using a wildcard to find the number, name, and address of those customers whose names begin with Ro. For this example, because you don’t know how many characters will follow the Ro, the asterisk is appropriate.

¨    Click the Design View button to return to the Select Query window and choose the Clear  Grid command from the Edit window.

¨    Include the Customer Number, Name, and Address fields in the query and then click the Criteria entry for the Name field.

¨    Type RO* and click the Run button. Notice that your entry is automatically changed to Like “Ro”.

5.3 Using Criteria for a field not in the result.

In some cases, you may have criteria for a particular field that should not appear  in the results of the query. For example, you may wish to see the Customer  Number, Name, and Address for all customers who live in Stafford. The criteria involve the Town/City field, which is not one of the fields to be included in the results.

In order to enter a criterion for the Town/City field, it must be included in the QBE grid. Normally, this would also mean it would appear in the results. To prevent this from happening, remove the X from its Show check box, the box in the Show row of the grid as follows:

¨    Click the Design View button to return to the Select Query window and choose the Clear Grid command from  the Edit menu. Access clears the QBE grid so you can enter your next query.

¨    Include the Customer Number, Name, Address, and Town/City fields in the query. Enter Stafford as the criterion for the Town/City field  and then point to the Town/City field's Show check box.

¨    Click the left mouse button to remove the X in the Show check box. The X is removed from the Show check box for  the Town/City field indicating it will not "show" in the result.

¨    Click the Run button and the results display but the Town/City field should not appear. The only customers included should be those who live in Stafford.

5.4 Using Numeric Data in Criteria.

To enter a number in a criterion, type the number without any pound signs or  commas. The next example displays all customers whose credit limit is £7,000.  To do so, type 7000 as a criterion for the Credit Limit field.

¨    Click the Design View button to return to the Select Query window and choose the Clear Grid command from the Edit menu.  Access clears the QBE grid so you can enter  your next query.

¨    Include the Customer Number, Name, Balance, and Credit  Limit fields in the query. Enter 7000 as the criterion for the Credit Limit field. Notice that there is no need to enter commas or pound signs in the  criterion.

¨    The results display and only those customers who  have a  £7,000 credit limit are included.

5.5 Using Comparison Operators.

Unless you specify otherwise, Access assumes that the criteria you enter involve  equality (exact matches). In the last query, for example, you were requesting those customers whose credit limit is equal to 7000. If you want something  other than an exact match, you must enter the appropriate comparison operator.  The choices are > (greater than), < (less than), >= (greater than  or equal to), <= (less than or equal to), and NOT (not equal to).

Perform  the following steps to use the > operator to find all customers whose balance is over £5,000.

¨    Click the Design View button to return to the Select Query window and choose the Clear Grid command from  the Edit menu.  Access clears  the QBE grid so you can enter your next query.

¨    Include the Customer Number, Name, Balance, and Credit  Limit fields in the query. Enter > 5000 as the criterion for the Balance  field.

¨    Click the Run button and the results display. Only those customers who have a balance over £5,000 are included.

5.6. Using Compound Criteria.

Often, you will have more than one criterion that the data for which you are searching  must satisfy. This type of criterion is called a compound criterion. There are two types of compound criteria.

In AND criteria, each individual criterion must be true in order for the compound criterion to be true. For example,  an AND criterion would allow you to find those customers who have a £7,000 credit limit and who are represented by sales rep 07.

OR criteria, on the other hand, are true, provided either individual criterion is true. An OR criterion would allow you to find  those customers who have a £7,000 credit limit or who are represented by sales  rep 07. In this case, any customer whose credit limit is £7,000 would be included  in the answer whether or not the customer was represented by sales rep 07. Likewise, any customer represented by sales rep 07 would be included whether or not the customer had a £7000 credit limit.

To combine criteria with AND, the criteria must be on the same line in the Criteria portion of the grid. Perform these steps to use an AND criterion  to find those customers whose credit limit is £7,000 and who are represented  by sales rep 07.

¨    Click the Design View button to return to the Select Query window and choose the Clear Grid command from  the Edit menu. Access clears the QBE grid so you can enter your next query.

¨    Include the Customer Number, Name, Balance, Credit  Limit, and Sales Rep Number fields in the query. Then, point to the Criteria entry for the Credit Limit field.

¨    Click the left mouse button and then enter 7000 as  a criterion for the Credit Limit field.

¨    Point to the criteria entry for the Sales Rep Number  field, click the left mouse button, and enter 07 as the criterion for the  Sales Rep Number field.

¨    The fields shift to the left as indicated by the  gap between the left scroll arrow and the scroll box. Criteria have been entered for the Credit Limit and Sales Rep Number fields.

¨    Click the Run button. The results display and only those customers who have a £7000 credit limit and whose sales rep  number is 07are included.

To combine criteria with OR, the criteria must be entered on separate lines in the Criteria portion of the grid. The following steps use an OR criterion  to find those customers who have a £7,000 credit limit or who are represented by sales rep 07 (or both).

¨    The criteria are entered for the Credit Limit and Sales Rep Number fields on different lines.

¨    Select the Criteria entry for the Sales Rep Number field by pointing to it and clicking the left mouse button. Press the  BACKSPACE key four times to delete the entry ("07").

¨    Point to the second line of criteria  (the line labelled "or:") for the Sales Rep Number field, click the left mouse button, and type 07.

¨    Click the Run button. The results display only those customers who have a £7,000 credit limit or whose sales rep number are 07 are included.

6. Sorting Data in a Query.

In some queries, the order in which the records are displayed really does not matter. All you care about are the records that appear in the results. It doesn't matter which one is first or which one is last.  In other queries, however, the order can be  very important. You may want to see customers' balances and may want them arranged from the highest to the lowest. Perhaps you want to see customers'  addresses and want them listed by county. Further, within all the customers  in a given county, you may want them to be listed by town/city.

To order the records in the answer to a query in a particular way, you sort the records. The field or fields  on which the records are sorted is called the sort key. If you are sorting on more than one field (such as sorting by town/city within county),  the more important field (county) is called the major key and the less important  field (town/city) is called the minor key.

To sort in Microsoft Access, specify the sort order in the Sort line of the QBE grid underneath the field that is the sort key. If you specify more than one sort key, the sort key on the left will be the major key and the one on the  right will be the minor key. These keys OVERRIDE any indexes you may have  created when you designed your tables.

Figure 2.

Perform the  following steps to sort the data in the CUSTOMER table by Town/City:-

¨    Ensure you have maximized the Select Query window containing a field list for the CUSTOMER table in the upper portion  of the window and an empty QBE grid in the lower portion.

¨    Include the Town/City field in the Sort QBE grid, point to the Sort entry under the Town/City field, and click the left mouse button. Click the down arrow that appears.  The Town/City field is included (Figure 2). A list of available sort orders displays.

¨    Choose Ascending order by pointing to Ascending  and clicking the left mouse button.

¨    Run the query. The results should contain the town/city names from the CUSTOMER table. The names appear in alphabetical order. Duplicates are included.

6.1 Sorting  on Multiple Keys.

The  next example lists the number, name, credit limit, and sales rep number for all customers. The data is to be sorted by sales rep number within descending credit limit. The phrase "sales rep number within descending credit limit" means the sales rep number  is the minor key and the credit limit is the major key. It also means credit  limits are to appear in descending (high-to-low) order. The following  steps accomplish this by specifying the Credit Limit and Sales Rep Number  fields as sort keys.

¨    Click the Design View button to return to the Select Query window and choose the Clear  Grid command from the Edit menu.  Access clears the QBE grid so  you can enter your next query.

¨    Include the Customer Number, Name, Credit Limit,  and Sales Rep Number fields in the query. Select Descending as the sort order for the Credit Limit field and Ascending as the sort order for the Sales Rep Number field.

¨    Run the query. The results should display the customers sorted by credit limit with  the highest credit limit first. Within the collection of customers having  the same credit limit, the customers are sorted by sales rep number

It is important to remember that the major key must appear to the left of the minor key in the QBE grid. If you attempted to sort the customer data by town/city within county, for example, but placed the Town/City field to the left of the County field, the Town/City  field would be considered to be the major key. This would lead to the data  being sorted alphabetically by town/city, not by town/city within county.

To sort in the correct order, add the county field to the QBE grid before adding the town/city field. This sorts the data by county and within all customers in any given county; the customers are sorted by town/city.

6.2. Omitting Duplicates.

As you saw earlier, when you sort data, duplicates are normally included. If  you don’t want duplicates included, use the Properties command and specify Yes for unique values only. Perform the following steps to produce a sorted list of the counties in the CUSTOMER table in which each county is only listed once:

¨    Click the Design View button to return to the Select Query window and choose the Clear  Grid command from the Edit menu. Access clears the QBE grid so you can enter your next query.

¨    Include the County field, select Ascending as the sort order, point to the second field in the QBE grid (the empty field following County), and click the left mouse button to  move the insertion point. Then, select the View menu.

¨    Choose the Properties command. The Query Properties dialog  box should display as described in Figure 3.

¨    Point to the Unique Values text box, click the left mouse button, and then click the down  arrow that displays to produce a list of available choices for Unique Values (Figure 3).

¨    Select Yes by clicking the left mouse button and then click the Close button for the Query Properties dialog box to close the dialog box.

¨    Run the query.  The results should display the counties sorted alphabetically and each county is included only once.


Figure 3.

7. Joining Tables.

7.1  Suppose you want to list the number and name of each customer along with the  number and name of the customer's sales rep. The customer name is in the CUSTOMER table, whereas the sales rep name is in the SLSREP table. Thus, this query  cannot be satisfied using a single table. You need to join the tables; that is, to find records in the two tables that have identical values in matching fields. In this example, you need to find records in the CUSTOMER and the SLSREP tables that have the same value in the Sales Rep Number fields.

To join tables in Access, you must first bring field lists for both tables  to the upper portion of the Select Query window. Access will draw a line between matching fields in the two tables, indicating that the tables are related. You can then select fields from either table. Access will join the tables automatically.

The  first step is to add an additional table (the SLSREP table) to the query, as illustrated in the following steps:-

¨    Click the Design View button to return to the Select Query window and choose the Clear  Grid command from the Edit menu. Access clears the QBE grid so you can enter your next query.

¨    Point to the Show Table button

¨    Click the Show Table button. The Add Table dialog box displays.

¨    Choose the SLSREP table by pointing to it, clicking the left mouse button, and then clicking the Add button. Close the Add Table dialog box by clicking its Close button.

Expand the size of the field list so all the fields  in the SLSREP table display. A field list for the SLSREP table should display. It has been enlarged so all the SLSREP fields are visible. A line appears  (see figure 4), joining the Sales Rep Number fields in the two field lists.  This line indicates how the tables are related, that is, linked through the matching fields. If you did not name the fields the same, Access will not  insert the line. It follows, therefore, that the same name can be used in more than one table in the same database. You can insert the line manually by pointing to one of the two matching fields and dragging the pointer to the other. The upper box now contains an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). These diagrams are fundamental in displaying the relationships between tables.

¨    Include the Customer Number, Name, and Sales Rep  Number fields from the CUSTOMER table and the Last Name and First Name fields from the SLSREP table. Notice that you don't have to choose the Sales Rep  Number from both tables in order for the join to work.

¨    Run the query and the results contain data from the CUSTOMER table, as well as data  from the SLSREP table.


Figure 4.

7.2. Restricting Records in a Join.

Sometimes, you will want to join tables, but you will not want to include all possible  records. In such cases, you will relate the tables and include fields just as you did before. You will also include criteria. For example, to include the same fields as in the previous query, but only those customers whose credit  limit is £7,000, you will make the same entries as before and then also enter the number 7000 as a criterion for the Credit Limit field.

Perform  the following steps to modify the query from the previous example to restrict the records that will be included in the join:

¨    Click the Design View button to return to the Select Query window. Add the Credit Limit field to the query and then click the right scroll arrow so it displays. Enter 7000 as the criterion  for the Credit Limit field and then click the Show check box for the Credit Limit field to remove the X. The Credit Limit field  displays in the QBE grid. A criterion is entered for the Credit Limit field  and the Show check box is blank, indicating the field will not display in the results of the query.

¨    Run the query. The results display only those customers with a credit limit of £7,000. The Credit Limit field does not display.

8. Using Computed Fields In a Query.

Suppose  you want to find each customer's available credit. This poses a problem, because  there is no field for available credit in the CUSTOMER table. You can compute  it, however, because the available credit is equal to the credit limit minus the balance. Such a field is called a computed field.

To include computed fields in queries, you enter a name for the computed field, a colon, and then the expression in one of the columns in the Field row. For  available credit, for example, enter Available  Credit:[Credit Limit]-[Balance]. Notice that no spaces are entered between the “Available Credit” and colon, and between square brackets and  minus sign. You can type this directly into the Field row. You will not be able to see the entire entry, however, because there is not enough room for it. A better way is to select the column in the Field row in which you wish  to place the computed field and then press SHIFT+F2. A dialog box (the Zoom dialog box) will display. You can then type the expression in the Zoom dialog box.

You  are not restricted to subtraction in computations. You can use addition (+),  multiplication (*), or division (/). You can also include parentheses [( )] in your computations to indicate which computations should be done  first.

Perform  the following steps to use a computed field to display the number, name, and  available credit of all customers.

¨    Be sure you have maximized the Select Query window containing a field list for the CUSTOMER table (but not the SLSREP table) in the upper portion of the window and an empty QBE grid in the lower portion. You can do this by closing the query without saving it and then starting over. As an alternative, click any field in the list of fields in the SLSREP table (i.e. the table displayed in the top of the QBE) and then choose the Remove Table command from the Query menu. This will remove the SLSREP table from the Select Query window.

¨    Include the Customer Number and Name fields. Point  to the Field entry in the third column in the QBE grid, click the left mouse button and, then press SHIFT+F2. Type Available  Credit:[Credit Limit]-[Balance] in the Zoom dialog box that displays. The expression you entered should be displayed within  the dialog box.

¨    Choose the OK button. The Zoom dialog  box no longer displays. The final portion of the expression you entered displays in the third field within the QBE grid

¨    Run the query. The results display and Microsoft Access has calculated and displayed the available credit amounts.

9. Calculating Statistics.

Microsoft  Access supports the built-in functions: COUNT, SUM, AVG (average),  MAX (largest value), MIN (smallest value), STDEV (standard deviation), VAR  (variance), FIRST, and LAST. To use any of these in a query, you include it in the Totals row in the QBE grid.  The Totals row does not routinely appear in the grid. To include it, select the View menu and then choose the Totals command or click the Totals button.

The  following example illustrates how you use these functions by calculating the  total (sum) balance for all customers:

¨    Click the Design View button to return to the Select Query window and choose the ClearGrid command from the Edit menu. Access clears the QBE grid  so you can enter your next query.

¨    Point to the Totals button

¨    Click the Totals button and include the Balance field. The Total row is now included in the QBE grid (Figure 5}. The Balance field is included and the entry in the Total row is Group By.


Figure 5.

¨    Point to the Total row under the Balance field and click the left mouse button. An arrow displays.

¨    Click the arrow that displays and a list of available selections displays.

¨    Point to Sum and click the left mouse button. Sum is selected.

¨    Run the query and the result displays showing the average balance for all customers.

10. Using Criterion in Calculating Statistics.

Sometimes, calculating statistics for all the records in the table is appropriate. In other cases, however, you will need to calculate the statistics for only those  records that satisfy some criteria. To enter a criterion in a field, you first  select Where as the entry in the Total row for the field and then enter  the criterion in the Criteria row. Perform the following steps to use this technique to calculate the average balance for customers of sales rep 07.

¨    Click the Design View button to return to the Select Query window and choose the Clear  Grid command from the Edit menu. Access clears the QBE grid so you can enter your next query.

¨    Include totals in the query as you did in the previous  example. Include the Balance field and select Avg as the calculation. Include the Sales Rep Number field in the second column on the QBE grid. Next, produce the list of available options for the Total entry just as you did  when you selected Avg for the Balance field. Use the vertical scroll bar to move down through the options until the word Where displays. The drop-down list of available selections should  be displayed.

¨    Select Where by pointing to it and clicking the left mouse button. Then, enter 07 as the criterion for the Sales Rep Number field. Where is selected as the entry in  the Total row for the Sales Rep Number field and 07 is entered as the criterion.

¨    Run the query. The result displays giving the average balance for customers of sales rep 07.

11. Grouping.

Another  way statistics are often used is in combination with grouping. The  statistics are then calculated for groups of records. You may, for example, need to calculate the average balance for the customers of each sales rep. You will want the average for the customers of sales rep 04, the average for customers of sales rep 07, and so on.

This type of calculation involves grouping,  which simply means creating groups of records that share some common characteristic. In grouping by sales rep number, the customers of sales rep 04 would form  one group, the customers of sales rep 07 would form a second group, and the customers of sales rep 12 would form a third group. The calculations are then  made for each group. To indicate grouping in Access, select Group By as the entry in the Total row for the field to be used for grouping.

Perform  the following steps to calculate the average balance for customers of each  sales rep.

Click  the Design View button to return to the Select Query window  and choose the Clear Grid command from the Edit menu.  Access clears the QBE grid so you can enter  your next query.

Include  the Sales Rep Number field in the first column of the QBE grid. Include the Balance field and select Avg as the calculation in the second column of the QBE grid. The Sales Rep Number and Balance fields are included. The Total entry for the Sales Rep Number field is currently Group By, which  is correct, so it doesn't need to be changed.

Run the query and the results display showing each sales  rep's number along with the average balance of the customers of that sales  rep.

12. Saving a Query.

In some cases, you will construct a query that you want to use again. To avoid  having to repeat all your entries, save the query. To do so, close the query  as before. This time, however, indicate that you want to save your work. Then assign a name to the query. The following steps illustrate the process of  saving the query and calling it Average Balance by Sales Rep:

¨    Select the File menu and the File menu displays.

¨    Choose the Save Query command and type AVERAGE BALANCE BY SALES REP. The Save As dialog box displays. The name of the query has been entered

¨    Choose the OK button and Access saves the query as part of the CUST database.

¨    Close the Select Query window by clicking the Close button.

Once a query has been saved, you can use it at any time in the future by opening  it and then running it. The query is run against the current database. Thus, if there have been changes to the data since the last time it was run, the results of the query may be different.

13. Graphing the answer to a Query.

A graph of the results of a query can often be useful. To create a graph, use the same techniques you used in “Microsoft Access - Creating a Database  ”. Sometimes, one type of graph will present the data much more clearly than another. A pie chart, for example, indicates percentages better than a bar chart. Fortunately, changing the type of graph, as well as customising the  graph in a variety of ways, is a simple process in Access. Perform the following  steps to produce a pie chart that relates sales rep numbers to the average  balance of customers of the sales rep.:-

¨    Choose the Form button and choose the New button. The New Form dialog box appears and select Chart Wizard. Click the down arrow next  to Choose the table or query where  the object’s data is to come from: and the list of available tables and queries displays.

¨    Select the Average Balance by Sales Rep query and choose the 0K button. The Chart Wizard dialog box offers fields to be selected for use in your chart. Select  the Sales Rep Number field, click the Add Field button, select the AvgOfBalance field, and click the Add Field button. The fields  for the graph are selected (see Figure 6).

¨    Choose the Next button, and then select the pie chart as the type of chart from the Chart  Wizard dialog box.

¨    Choose the Next button and then type AVERAGE BALANCE BY SALES REP. as the title.

¨    Choose the Finish button. And the graph should display.

To remove a graph from the desktop, you need to close it. To do so, click its Close button. You will then be asked whether  or not you want to save your work. Perform the following steps to close the graph and save it using the name Average Balance by Sales Rep (the same as the graph title):

¨    Click the Form:  Form1 Close button and then choose the Yes button.

¨    Type Average Balance by Sales Rep as the Form Name  in the Save As dialog box.

¨    Choose the OK button. The graph is saved in the CUST database.


Figure 6.

14. Summary.

These  notes introduced you to querying a database using Access. You learned how to create and run queries. You learned how to use various types of criteria.  You also learned how to join tables using queries. Finally, you learned how  to use calculated fields and statistics, as well as how to graph the answer to a query.


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